Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gotcha Day, March 1, 2011

   In one beautiful moment our hearts and our lives were changed forever.  We waited in the office of Hannah's Hope with such anticipation. And then, the doors opened and out they came with Nathan. I truly don't know how to even describe how wonderful it is to have him at last. He is so beautiful. We had a long day of formalities, and then some crying as Nathan realized his whole world had changed as well. He will certainly continue to grieve the nannies and all the wonderful people at Hannah's Hope and we have seen that already. We spent a good two or more hours helping him and finally he decided to sleep. We had dinner in the hotel, and then it was back to the room.  He definitely was warming up to us as he had a great play time in the room.  He did sleep through the night, almost, only waking up once and needing a little snuggling! I'll leave you with some pictures as we head out for more paperwork.


  1. I am so happy for you guys! Can't wait until you guys are back home and we can see him in person.:)

  2. What a day! Congrats! He is looking super cute. Send my love to all the people there and take time to just be with Nathan, love the cuddle photo:) So sweet.

  3. What a great smile!!
    He looks so cozy with you already!...Enjoy every minute...Becky

  4. That first picture is priceless!!! Brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you guys! He is ADORABLE!!!

  5. Faith-Hope-Love-Nathan

    The first photo expressed everything and will be part of out "American Gallery".Weeping tears of joy. We are so

    happy for you three as you are now really together! We are deeply touched by seeing you two holding Nathan and by

    looking into six overjoyed eyes! We've been thinking a lot of you and imagining your first exciting meeting and now

    we are grateful that you share with us your first overwhelming time with Nathan. Thank you for that. God opened a

    new page to your journey and has placed this cute, little boy into your arms and hearts. In Germany we say:"The most

    beautiful children's room for a child is the heart and the most beautiful living room for a child is the time of the

    parents." And indeed God has given Nathan the gift of a place called "most beautiful home"!:) He smiles so

    wonderful! Now everything makes sense and was oviously planned long before.It's so kind of you to let us take part

    of these most joyous moments! Congrets from the bottoms of our hearts! We continue to follow your Blog and to keep

    you in our prayers. A huge hug from the Homoelles from Europe and please give him a kiss from us.Oh he is so cute -

    we are looking forward to seeing you three once in person. We also wish " time travel" was possible.:)

    With Love - Marlies and Dieter with David and Laurie

  6. i will always remember this as one of my happiest days! i cannot wait to meet your son - the photo of the two of you sleeping is precious Shannon! He knows that he's with Mommy and looks so comfortable and happy :) Greg - your photo with him is adorable - such a proud Daddy - I see many father-son fishing trips with Matt and Patrick in your future! Love you ALL and see you soon :)

  7. Absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!
    The first picture is priceless!

  8. Shannon,
    Bonnie sent me your blog link. I am teary eyed on this work day thinking about how happy you guys must be!!! Get ready for lots of playdates this summer!!!!!!
    Laura Franz

  9. had to post one more comment - i just showed the photos to Sophie and Patrick, and Patrick said, "I like Nathan. He's my buddy."

  10. I couldn't wait to see pictures of Gotcha Day! It made me just smile looking at these great pictures. The picture of Mommy & Nathan snuggling in bed is a framer and a keeper. The first picture is just priceless. He is just so adorable and looks like he is loving his time with you already. I can't blame him. Enjoy your time in Taiwan but we can't wait for you to get home. Thanks so much for taking the time to record your journey. I am loving every update.

  11. My heart is smiling for you. Thank you for sharing.

  12. I am so happy for us!! What size clothes is he wearing, I think I might have to go shopping...Is he standing, or kneeling in that picture, is he walking already? I want to be there so bad!! Even if you are kissing him every 5 minutes, kiss him again for me!!

  13. What an absolutely AMAZING experience!! I am so thrilled for all three of you!! These pictures are absolutely beautiful and very moving. You can feel the emotion in these images...unbelievable! So, so glad that you are all now FINALLY together and beginning to start this new chapter in your lives as a family of 3!! Nathan is so adorable!!! Loving this blog and thinking of you guys everyday!! Congratulations...your time has finally come and we couldn't be more happy for you!!! Take it all in and enjoy every second!! Love you guys!! Take care and can't wait to see you all!! Cade and Conner are so excited to meet their new friend...we've been telling them all about Nathan and Cade thinks he is so cute!!!

  14. Shannon & Greg,
    I am so happy for both of you- your pictures brought tears to my eyes! CONGRATULATIONS! Your sweet little boy has the cutest smile and is so lucky to have you as parents! Can't wait to meet him!

    :-) Gia

  15. This is so, so sweet! I am so happy for you guys. Have fun with that little guy!!

  16. I hope you are having fun with Nathan. We miss you and love you.......Love, Shayne and Hailey

    Seriously, I was crying at work today:) My heart might explode with happiness for you three. He is PERFECT.

    Hailey wants to bring him in for show and's the letter "W" this week.

    Thanks for journaling your experience, see you soon
    love, m

  17. Sooo... happy for you and your family!!! Enjoy every moment!
    Melissa :)

  18. He is precious! I can see the love in his eyes for you guys already! Enjoy every second. Can't wait to meet him!

  19. I am so happy for you guys! I'm tearing up reading this and admiring your pictures. What a beautiful family!!

  20. I wanted to let you guys know that your pictures got me through a very tough day yesterday. My students agree than Nathan is adorable. :) Looking forward to seeing you guys next week.


  21. I showed Barb Nadler your post. We both teared up. What a cute little boy. Glad to hear all is going well.

  22. Congratulations! He is so adorable! Everyone is so happy for you! I got goosebumps and teary eyed reading your blog and seeing the photos of the "Gotcha Day!" Enjoy your long awaited miracle. P.S. I thought the stork was supposed to fly to you :) Well worth every mile!

    ~ With love! Judy Fowler ( and Liza)
