Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our "Labor"

          Nathan's room is ready, our paperwork is in order, our bags are almost packed.  You could say we're in labor!  It's been pretty busy around our house, but it's the best type of busy we've ever

         Our flight leaves Cincinnati at 9:30 on Saturday.  We're headed to Detroit, then Toyko, then Taipei.  We'll be in the air for about 20 hours, but with some short layovers, it will be 9:30 Taipei time when arrive. For someone who gets antsy during a 3 hour car ride, I have to say I wish time travel was possible!
         We were unable to get a flight from Taipei to Taitung on Monday, so getting Nathan has been postphoned just a day.  That will give us time to recuperate from our long flight.  So, March 1st will end up being Gotcha Day, the adoption term for the day we have our baby in our arms. Nathan will be 9 1/2 months old by then, and I'm sure just as cute as can be.
         We started this blog to capture all the moments in this journey abroad. A journey that's been five years in the making. So many of you have rode along with us, we thought it would only be fair for you to see "the light at the end of the tunnel."    We are so glad to have such great family and friends and can't wait to introduce you to Nathan Wei Homoelle.


  1. Shannon and Greg, This is so exciting to be able to follow your journey. We've been along for the whole 5 year ride leading up to this point. It will be well worth it. You 3 are all in our prayers so have a safe trip and enjoy it. Smell the flowers along the way...Godspeed. Love, Pat and Steve

  2. Eeeek!!! So exciting! Can't wait to meet the little guy! Keep me posted!!!

  3. SO excited for you, Shannon! I'll be thinking of you nonstop. Hope it all goes as smoothly as possible.


  4. I am beyond excited for you and will be praying for a safe journey. What a lucky little boy Nathan is to have such adoring and loving parents. My heart is beating fast for you. :)

  5. We are so excited to meet your new family member! Safe travels!

  6. Keep me posted about your layover in Detroit. Perhaps I can swing out to the airport and welcome you back to the States?

    Have a wonderful trip. Soak in all the memories. Can't wait to read about your journey. Welcome home soon Nathan!

  7. Yipee! We are counting the hours with you!! Can't wait to see your next post - we're glad to hear you made it safely to Taipei! - Love, Angie and Brad
